Helping Children know God's Love!
The Foundation Curriculum involves the children in learning with questions that are weaved throughout the stories to reinforce understanding of how much Father loves them, their true identity as a child of God and their power and authority in Christ Jesus. Book 1 begins with the CREATION and who God created everything for. Book 2 THE FALL OF MAN shows the choice that Adam and Eve made that required mankind to need a Savior, Jesus Christ! Book 3 entitled JESUS gives children the choice to believe Jesus, be Born-Again, receive Holy Spirit and become a child of God the Father. Story books 4, 5 and 6 entitled FORGIVE, YOUR POWER IN JESUS and THE KINGDOM OF GOD show how to live victoriously on earth, God’s way.
Recommended Ages: 4 and older
Foundation Curriculum
... a Beginner's first step to knowing God!
Six (6) easy-to-use Story Book Lessons.
(1) Activities Manual
The Activities Manual is filled with Follow-up Activities, Songs For You to Sing With Children, Parent Letters, home activities, Student Progress Records with objectives for each book, Scripture References that support each story and much more.
You can download 6 Free PDF sample Follow-Up Activities from our Activities Manual BELOW.