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My one year old grand daughter had a skin disease. The inside creases of her arms and legs were red and raw. Although her parents had taken her to the doctor and was putting medicine on the sores, she continued to scratch.

When she came to visit me, I saw her irritated skin and asked her if she wanted Jesus to heal her. I asked, "do you want the itching to stop?" She said yes! I told her that she could tell the itching to "go away! In Jesus name!" She held out her arms. I said, say itching stop! She repeated, "itching stop!" I said say, "leave my arms." She repeated leave my arms." I said "in Jesus name!" She repeated, In Jesus name! (We spoke to her legs the same way)

For the remainder of the time she stayed with me, I completely forgot about her skin disease. After my grand daughter had returned home, I remembered the prayer and asked my daughter how my grand daughter was doing. In amazement my daughter looked at the child's arms and legs and reported that the skin disease that had been on the child's body since infancy, was gone. God honored His Word and healed her.

Jesus heard the prayer of a little one year old girl who believed God. The Words that God, our Father in heaven and Jesus speaks are true. The Words of God that my grand daughter prayed can be found in the Bible which says:

"Jesus answered, “Have faith in God. The truth is, you can say to this mountain, ‘Go,

mountain, fall into the sea.’ And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that

what you say will happen, then God will do it for you." Mark 11:22 - 23 (ERV)

Jesus also said these Words to those who believe Him:

"I tell you the truth. He who believes in me will do the same things that I do. He will do

even greater things than these because I am going to the Father. And if you ask for

anything in my name, I will do it for you. Then the Father’s glory will be shown through

the Son." John 14:12-13 (ICB)

God's Word is rooted in love. Therefore you must pray according to God's Word of love. God did NOT cause sickness. Satan, the devil causes sickness. Jesus healed the sick. This is how the Word of God works when you believe Jesus -- a one year old child spoke directly to her mountain which was a sickness of skin disease on her arms and legs. She said it, by faith, in Jesus name. God showed His love to her.

God sent Jesus to show and tell you of His love. God has much more love to show you. Here's God's love -- Jesus died for your sins and defeated the devil to give you back the authority that Adam gave to the devil. God raised Jesus from the dead by His Holy Spirit. Here's God's love -- God as your Father wants to help you in every situation in your life through His Word and prayer. Prayer is you talking with God and God talking with you.

Do you want God's love? Do you want to live on earth as a child of the Most-High God? Do you want God to be your heavenly Father that hears and answers your prayers? Do you want to repent and quit doing bad things? If you answered yes, you can pray and let God know that you believe Jesus; you want to quit sinning, and you want to be His child. Just talk to God from your heart, in your own words. Ask to receive His Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of the living God in you to help and guide you through life -- another showing of God's love to you. Go for it! I did.

If you need to pray with someone, you can call the prayer line at Andrew Wommack Ministries. The number is 719-635-1111 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please let me know if this good news has helped you. God bless you! I am praying for you.

Love you!


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